Monday, January 23, 2012

Editing PDF files and looking at the stars

Just today I had to send out a PDF document that I've received a few days ago, however in this document I had about 12 pages of irrelevant information I didn't want to share. Well there I went to look for a nice app to just remove pages off of a PDF file, and that's when I came by this neat little app on the Ubuntu Software Center called PDF Shuffler. It is a very simple and very small app that just did exactly what I needed, it literally took me less than 5 minutes to search a program like this on UBC, check a couple of reviews, download and install it. It works very well.

As I was in the Software Center, I decided to download this other program called Stellarium, which is an Astronomy app. It is great if you are interested in finding out what star you are looking at night. It's neat that you can also look at the sky anywhere in the world, and it will give you names of stars, planets and constellations. I recommend.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

KompoZer, free HTML editor for Linux.

I've been using Dreamweaver as my HTML editor for as long as I can remember. I am pretty sure that before that I used notepad, but that was easily over 13 years ago. Well today I decided to look for a new editor that doesn't crash on me as much and that works on my Ubuntu distro. After doing some reading I decided to go with KompoZer, which is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type editor, which to me just saves me a ton of time; and it seems quite popular in the community.

To get this beast you can either go the synaptic route or the console route, which will require you to type:

$ sudo apt-get install kompozer

I'll update this post once I have used the program a few times to let you guys know how I like it.