Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bandwidth test: Rogers (Toronto)

Hello, this is just a small post I figured might be useful for someone maybe. I just tested my Rogers internet connection and figured I would share with the interwebs in case people are curious about Rogers. I live in Toronto and I have the "ROGERS express internet" which is supposed to get up to 12Mbps download and 512Kbps upload with 60Gb of monthly bandwidth.

I tested this at 10:15AM on a Wednesday:
9.96Mbps download
505knps upload

 Wed/18:04 - 10.5M/490K
Wed/18:29 - 5.0M/503K
Tue/09:10 - 7.2M/499K

I'm using a cable so no wifi interference here. Just for kicks I also tested my neighbors wifi which is Bell and got:
414kbps download
372kbps upload

I'm curious to know how come I get such good upload speed on their wifi in proportion to my numbers, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact the wifi signal is not 100%

jsyk I tested my connection using

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