Wednesday, September 21, 2011

xfce4 application finder for Ubuntu

I've been running Ubuntu on both my laptop and desktop, however I'm not using Unity on my laptop just to conserve some resources. One of my favorite features of Unity however is the lens to look for applications by name, for anyone not familiar, it is basically a "search engine" for your PC. As you type the name of the program or file you are looking for, a list starts to populate, and if I'm not mistaken, this list takes into account how frequently you use those apps. Anyway, it's pretty great, but my laptop is just using the old GNOME interface and some of my apps apparently don't show up on the regular menu, so I was wondering how to open them as a Linux noobie. I found a great little tool to search for apps inside your HD, this is called xfce4, and it shows up in your Applications > Accessories menu if you are running GNOME and have it installed. You can use this on KDE and Xfce as well, I don't believe this comes installed with any of the Ubuntu distros, but it's worth checking it out if you don't have Unity running.

To get this little app just type:

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install xfce4-appfinder

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