Hello everyone, I just finished installing Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS on my spare laptop. I basically am looking to put together a home server for fun. I think this post may be useful to people that are absolute noobs to this stuff since I'm an absolute amateur and I think I may bring up some difficulties that other new users may experience as well...
Anyway, I went through the installation of the OS to my laptop. For this I followed fairly simple instructions from "The Official Ubuntu Server Book, 2nd ed." as well as this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SgX15CpT64) video found on YouTube. There are other videos as well if needed, but honestly the process of installing the OS is fairly straight forward if you have ever installed Ubuntu before. There is one thing I would say though, when you are installing the server to your machine, I recommend you plug your machine to your router directly before you start. I started off trying to use the wifi, and that just wasn't going to happen, I only later realized that my original challenges were due to this simple fact.
Once you finish installing Ubuntu Server on your machine, reboot it and I would recommend running an update. In order to accomplish this you need to type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
This is of course all done after you have logged in with you username and password. By the way, make sure you don't forget any of the passwords you have for your server since I'm pretty sure you can't get them back later. Also if you are really new to Linux, sudo is the command you use to gain root access, which is sort of like having administrator privileges. Anytime you use "sudo" you need to use your password.
I also added vim to my server by typing
sudo apt-get install vim
I think that if you are completely new to linux commands, another important one to learn is
sudo shutdown -h now
which turns off your server, as well the command to restart your machine:
sudo shutdown -r now
The last thing I would like to mention, which is what you will need if you want to run the server headless (ie. without a keyboard or monitor directly connected to the machine), is that you need some kind of software that allows you access to your server. For that, one of the more popular options is the use of putty.exe which can be obtained at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
Once you download putty.exe, run it. There you will type your Host Name or IP address. The hostname is the machine's name you types during the installation of your OS. Make sure SSH is selected in the connection type. This will obviously only work if you have the SSH stuff installed on your server. Save a name for your session, I'm just using the server's name for reference. At this point you can select your session and click "open".
Click yes to the pop up box that will show up (PuTTY Security Alert). At this point you will get a command prompt box, where you can operate your server as if you were typing directly into it. Quite cool really for anyone like me who has never done this before.
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